Wednesday, October 3, 2012

On Campus Interviews - A Chance for Your "First Job" as Well as Career Employment

During the course of training or secondary educations some organizations - companies, firms as well as major non-profit organizations of great status and reputation will offer campus interviews to graduating students in such fields as engineering, electronics, business management, law accounting, computer information systems and marketing. In addition such "on campus" interviews are also afforded at many major technical schools in similar and matching fields and endeavors.
The hardest point for many, in terms of their careers, and the progress of their careers is to get their "foot into the door". Even if you do not necessarily like the job, the company or organization- the value of these jobs is that they will do just that - get you started in your field of choice. What is most important is the contacts and networking you will be able to do. The hardest part so to speak is "to get your first job".
Once you are in that position of employment several factors will work into play: first of all you will make valuable contacts within your industry. In a sense you never know who that you meet, when working and interacting within your job and career that can help you. One contact, in your network and daily interactions can lead to other useful contacts. It's an organic process. Secondly, even if the firm or organization is not your first choice, for employment or career, you are in a position to prove yourself within that community. After all most jobs are not filled by applications and job postings. Most jobs are filled from within - by personal referrals and reputations and of course by the industry "grapevine". By being employed, rather than not employed or "still looking", you will be considered more valuable by other prospective employers. After all you are valuable enough that employer number one is paying you x salary. If employer number 2 wishes to hire you away - you not only have proven yourself, but in addition the second employer will have to pay you more, either in actual cash , benefits , a better job , or some other form of reward, in order to steal you away and hire you. Lastly by working in a job, rather than not being employed, most employers will fund various specialized courses and training, that you may not well not be able to afford, or may not be available to yourself.
Most on-campus interviews are prearranged interviews, and the techniques used varied, depending on the organization. They are usually structured interviews, but several styles may be used, including the "stress interview", the "tell me about yourself interview", and the panel interview styles.
Campus interviews are generally scheduled through a school or institution's career services office or department. The schedule is closely observed, and the interviewer is forced to evaluate each candidate more quickly than standard interview procedures. It is said that in such scenarios the average interview time is between 20 and 30 minutes.
If you are lucky enough to be chosen and interviewed in such a setting and format what should you consider and stress during these meetings? First of all you should keep your remarks as concise and to the point as possible. You will find that most of the interviewers are professionally trained. They have been trained for this purpose and will know how to guide applicants through the fact finding process. It is best to let the interviewer take the lead. Go with the flow and format of the interview and its dynamic processes. Your job is to respond as concisely as possible without omitting pertinent information about your qualifications.

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